
The Repository is a wrapper around any table that you have in the database. It provides basic methods for querying data from corresponding table like find(), findOneBy() and findBy() and also methods to mutate it like insert(), update() or remove.

To create a Repository for a table you need to call the method getRepository() from a manager. For example, we will create a Repository for a table posts. To do this we will create file models/posts.js and put the following content:

import { manager } from './models'

const repo = manager.getRepository('posts')

export default repo

That's it. You don't need to manually type anything or use some magic classes.

Querying data

To find a record by id you can use find(id) method. For example:

import PostRepo from './models/posts'

async function get() {
  const post = await PostRepo.find(5)
  if (post === null) {
    throw new Error('Post not found')

  return post

Execution of find() method will execute following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (id = ?) LIMIT 1

If you need to find a record with more conditions, you can use findOneBy(criteria) method. For example, you need to find a record with status either ACTIVE or DRAFT, and also title is foo and the creator is not the current user:

import PostRepo from './models/posts'

async function getDuplicate(userId) {
  const post = await PostRepo.findOneBy({
    status: {
      $in: ['ACTIVE', 'DRAFT'],
    title: 'foo',
    creator_id: {
      $not: userId,

  return post

The same request in SQL:

SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (status IN (?,?)) AND (title = ?) AND (creator_id = ?) LIMIT 1

When you need to receive an array of records with a condition like in the previous example you can use findBy(criteria, orderBy, limit, offset) method. For example:

import PostRepo from './models/posts'

async function getUserPosts(userId) {
  const posts = await PostRepo.findBy({
    status: {
      $in: ['ACTIVE', 'DRAFT'],
    creator_id: userId,

  return posts

The same request in SQL:

SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (status IN (?,?)) AND (creator_id = ?)

Manual insertion

It's recommended to use Models to execute insertion to the table, but in case you need to manually insert data to table you can use an insert(data) method. For example:

import PostRepo from './models/posts'

async function insertPost() {
  try {
    const result = await PostRepo.insert({
      title: 'My post',
      status: 'DRAFT',
      creator_id: 5,

    return result.insertedId
  } catch (err) {
    // there's an error with your request

The same in SQL:

INSERT INTO posts (title, status, creator_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)

Manual update

We still recommend to use models for this, but if you still need to manually update record or records you can use update(idOrCriteria, changes) method. For example:

import PostRepo from './models/posts'

async function updatePost(postId) {
  try {
    const result = await PostRepo.update(postId, {
      title: 'My post',
      status: 'DRAFT',
      creator_id: 5,

    return result.affectedRows
  } catch (err) {
    // there's an error with your request

The same in SQL:

UPDATE posts SET title = ?, status = ?, creator_id = ? WHERE (id = ?)

Also, it's possible to use complex criteria instead of id. Example of this option is described in findOneBy and findBy methods.

Manual records removing

We highly recommend to use model methods to do it, but in case you need to manually execute it or you need to remove many records at once you can use remove(idOrCriteria) method.

The first argument receives id or criteria.

The method returns an object with affectedRows value


You can work with records in your database using models. All find* methods return models with additional methods.

To create a new model for a record you will need to call create(data) method. For example:

import PostRepo from './models/posts'

async function insertPost(post) {
  const post = PostRepo.create(post)
  console.log( // model receive id after insertion

  return post

You may also need to have the ability to wrap received a record from a database fetched from query builder or by another way. For these purposes, there's a hydrate(data, isSaved) method. Please be accurate with this method, because if isSaved is true, the model will calculate changes from the original data object.

Starting Select Query Builder

If you need to use Query builder there's a method startQuery(optionalAlias) that you can use to start a query with pre-populated from the part by a table name and select with an asterisk (or with an alias.* if the alias is inset)